Friday, August 19, 2022

Changing Their Tune

By Hubie and Bertie

The pundit heads are scrambling to rewrite their lame, lazy narrative about the 2022 midterms, on which they've been leaning for... how many months, now? We can't keep track, because we haven't been watching cable news or listening to NPR for many months.

In fact, we gave up on NPR after the 2016 election, because we remembered how off the cliff they behaved when the Republicans won the midterms in 1994. It was a historic win, Congressionally speaking — but NPR's anti-Clinton glee was too much to stomach. So we weren't going to subject ourselves to it again 22 years later.

And since cable TV news has proven itself totally inadequate in covering Trump, we've pretty much boycotted them as well. Needing to fill 24 hours of news has forced journalists to coddle and kowtow to their sources so much that it compromises their reporting. No, thanks.

Yes, news coverage was always somewhat transactional, but never more so than when the media had to provide round-the-clock content. And for some reason, they have always leaned toward pleasing the Republicans. Maybe the narrative of the "liberal media" took hold with too much vengeance. If so, it was always a mirage.

But we digress. The short story here tonight is that the Beltway prognosticators have been forecasting a GOP wave this November and — guess what? It's not going to happen.

Why? Three reasons: The Dobbs decision. (Women are registering to vote in record numbers.) Team Biden's recent legislative successes. And the fabulous storytelling of the January 6 hearings (more to come on that score). We cats saw these developments coming from a mile away — the talking heads, not so much.

It's interesting that the knee-jerk liberal losers at sites like The Atlantic caution that this is only August. We cats say: Exactly. In the past, you never would have seen such movement in the polls before Labor Day. Instead, in 2022, the electorate is awakened and furious and making its mark. Just ask the voters of Kansas. Ask how Dobbs has affected voter registration across the country.

No wonder Mitch McConnell has been walking GOP expectations back. We'd like to see the Washington media do the same. They should admit that their lazy narratives have no credence. Until they do, we cats HISS.

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