Saturday, August 27, 2022

Killing A Million Americans From COVID Was Just The Start

By Zamboni

Back in October — 10 months ago — The New York Times reported on a disturbing trend. The CIA, it appeared, was losing a lot of overseas informants, a.k.a., spies.

"Top American counterintelligence officials warned every CIA station and base around the world last week about troubling numbers of informants recruited from other countries to spy for the United States being captured or killed," the article said. Why? It wasn't clear.

Now, we cats are afraid to say, we know. Benedict Donald has been selling US secrets to our adversaries. Because he stole tons and tons of documents from the White House last year and spirited them off to Mar-a-Lago. In fact, you have to assume that he's been selling our secrets to people like Putin and MBS for years now. Well, maybe not Putin, since Putin obviously has something on him — but the Saudis, and the North Koreans, and the Chinese? You betcha.

Perhaps this explains how quiet the Republicans have gone since the release of the DOJ affidavit this week. With the exception of The Wall Street Journal, which has stupidly adopted the "it's only documents" argument, the GOP is waiting to see just how bad this will get.

Take it from us: It will get plenty bad.

Some Twitter wag speculated that Benedict Donald could be sentenced to 20,000 years in prison. And that's just for taking the documents — not for sharing them. "The largest espionage case in US history," he said. Yep, it seems so.

The only question for us is when journalists will officially make this connection. Their reticence so far has been baffling, but perhaps it won't last. Meanwhile, when the time comes, we can all look forward to hot takes on this from Dark Brandon. The White House's official Twitter account has been taken over by a spunky young firecracker from New Jersey, and we are totally there for it. We cats PURR.

(IMAGE: Trump at his Saudi-sponsored golf tournament. Could he look any worse? Yes, he could.)

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