Friday, October 21, 2022

Freezing Guns, A Good Thing

By Sniffles

In the category of more-civilized-countries-than-the-US, here comes Canada, with its handgun ban.

"The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today announced the national freeze on the sale, purchase, and transfer of handguns comes into effect," the PMO announced. "From now on, people cannot buy, sell, or transfer handguns within Canada, and they cannot bring newly acquired handguns into the country."

Republicans in the US are currently trying to scare midterm voters about crime statistics. In reality, red states have higher crime rates than blue states do, and jurisdictions that enact gun-control laws also benefit. Canada serves as a handy exemplar of the latter — although we have to note that the True North doesn't labor under the burden of an ill-interpreted Second Amendment.

We cats live full time in Upstate New York and part time in Quebec. We feel completely safe in either place. Any Republican campaign based on "crime" should be viewed as what it is: racist. We cats HISS.

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