Monday, October 31, 2022

It All Makes Us Sick

By Hubie and Bertie

Second only to Vice President Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi is the most powerful woman in Washington. After Kamala, she's next in line to succeed the President — but more important, without a doubt, she is the most accomplished Speaker of the House in her lifetime.

So we cats are finding it hard to understand why the break-in at the Pelosi home in San Francisco, and the assault on Nancy Pelosi's husband Paul, are not getting more serious treatment from the press.

Our New York Times print edition the other day put the story on the front page, but below the fold. Somehow, the situations in Britain and South Korea were deemed more important than an assassination/kidnapping attempt on the Speaker of the House.

Why? Is it misogyny? You can bet that if some lefty lamebrain had physically assaulted Callista Gingrich or Janna Ryan, the story would be sucking up news media oxygen for days. Is it because journalists are afraid of appearing too "liberal"? If so, shame, shame, shame on them. It is not "liberal" to point out that Donald Trump, the Republican Party, and numerous other nutcases have championed violence in our politics. And that those actions have consequences, and are a threat to democracy.

It is all disgusting. Paul Pelosi is in the ICU, and this shouldn't happen to anyone. We cats HISS.

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