Monday, October 24, 2022

Ron The Unready

By Zamboni

Hot on the heels of The Palm Beach Post's observation that with all its problems, Florida needs a full-time Governor who will serve out his complete term, Charlie Crist picked up the ball and ran with it tonight.

Said the Post: "Voters shouldn't tolerate anyone using the election for Governor as a springboard at the expense of sober leadership. Florida faces too many challenges and can't afford a placeholder. It needs a Governor committed to this state and its urgent needs."

Said Crist to Ron DeSantis tonight: "I have a question for you. Why don't you look in the eyes of the people of the state of Florida and say to them that if you're re-elected you will serve a full four-year term? It's not a tough question."

DeSantis was, literally, unresponsive. He stood mutely and stared into the middle distance, jerking slightly like a Disney animatron. Somewhere tonight, Baby Marco Rubio must be relieved that somebody has looked weaker than he did on the 2022 debate stage.

Earlier, when we read The Post's endorsement of Crist, we decided that if Crist did not challenge DeSantis on this important point, it would be political malpractice. Do you know what else is political malpractice? Ron DeSantis being unprepared for the question. Dude has a zillion dollars and thousands of political consultants on his tab. Not one of them could have given him a head's up? "How simply frightful. How humiliating. How delightful." We cats PURR.

(IMAGES: See how thrilled DeSantis looks to be there? As you can tell from the second photo, it got worse.)

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