Friday, October 14, 2022

Health, History, And Horses' Asses

By Sniffles

Today we cats were running some quick errands in the adorable downtown of the historic Upstate New York hamlet we live in. Truth be told, we were in the vicinity to get our next COVID booster. So we did a few other things while we were there.

We saw dogs — a lot of dogs. But we don't mind dogs if they're attached to nice people. We also saw some people who weren't so nice. Or smart.

One was an older white guy who was strolling down the main street in a T-shirt with a picture of President Biden sporting a bulbous red nose. "Elect a clown, expect a circus," the shirt said. Goodness gracious, these Trumpsters are simply masters at projection, aren't they?

The others were two people in a pickup truck that had a sticker in its back window: "Fuck Joe & the Hoe." We don't like quoting it verbatim, but it's amazing that folks think it's appropriate to put the F word on their cars where children might see it. Equally amazing that they are obviously so angry and resentful nearly two years later.

We chose not to engage with any of them — especially with the people in the truck, since they were sitting there smoking cigarettes, and hopefully will be dead soon.

The bottom line is that these jerks obviously realize they lost. They have nothing left but to put on silly shirts and display offensive window stickers and follow Benedict Donald around the country from show to show. Do they vote? No guarantee there, either. We cats PURR.

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