Tuesday, October 11, 2022

"Suddenly I've Gone Into Mimeograph"

By Zamboni

Many questions in the air today following last night's drubbing by Tim Ryan of the loathsome J.D. Vance in the Ohio Senate debate. Such as: When will the pundits stop trying to spin Vance's humiliation as something that won't matter? Will the media ever quit trying to stir up Democratic fights by asking Ryan if he wants President Biden to campaign with him? And why did Ryan and Vance both show up in blue suits and red ties?

We don't know the answer to the first question, but it drives us crazy. In what world would an undecided voter tune in to that debate and be impressed with Vance? He looked bewildered at every turn, landed only soft blows on Ryan, and fled the studio instead of showing up at the spin room afterward. Take it from us — if the tables had been turned and Vance had come out with the more-impressive performance, the talking heads would be saying he had the race in the bag.

As for the second question, clearly the answer is no. But Ryan is handling it perfectly well, so we have no problem with it. And you can bet Joe Biden doesn't, either. Biden isn't into slights, which is another reason the media's obsession with the topic is silly.

Finally, about the suits and ties: It sure was weird! But then it occurred to us that Ryan was slyly riffing on the Trumpy look to call attention to Vance's sycophantic imitation of his idol. Still and all, we've had Frank Loesser's song "Paris Original" in our heads ever since. We cats PURR.

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