Saturday, October 7, 2023

Every Accusation Is A Confession

By Miss Kubelik

The speed with which the Republicans have accused President Biden of giving $6 billion to Iran to attack Israel today can only mean one thing.

Benedict Donald gave (or sold) Israeli secrets to Vladimir Putin from "his boxes" of classified info that he kept stored in the shitter at Mar-a-Lago.

In case you're wondering: The $6 billion was frozen money that Iran made off oil sales to South Korea. It was recently unfrozen and is currently banked in Qatar, where it cannot be withdrawn for any purposes other than humanitarian ones, under the supervision of the US government. Nevertheless, Trumpy shills like JD Vance have rushed to repeat the lie that "US tax dollars" funded Hamas's attacks — because they'll always put MAGA mendacity first.

And since they know it's a lie, they have to brand the Biden Administration as quickly as they can, so they can own the narrative.

The question is: What will American media do? Apparently even Fox "News" has told their viewers the truth about the $6 billion. But how will the so-called MSM cover it tomorrow on the Sunday shows? We cats aren't optimistic about that, because — and we never thought we'd say this — the press sucks. Therefore, we HISS.

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