Tuesday, October 3, 2023


By Baxter

The House elected a new Speaker today — and he's Black!

Sorry, we did it again. It was the House of Commons in Canada, not here in the US (lol!). Craig Fergus, Liberal MP from Quebec, is the first Black Canadian to hold the speakership, which is not a bad outcome when you consider how House members mistakenly applauded a Nazi last month.

Meanwhile, the United States House of Representatives is in chaos, thanks to idiot Republicans who, unlike Democrats like Nancy Pelosi, don't know how to govern with a five-seat majority. Benedict Donald, freshly gagged in his New York fraud trial, must be relieved for once that he's not the lead story of the day. (Or maybe not.)

Either way, it's a hoot to look back on the thrilling "Young Guns" of yesteryear and realize that they're all gone now. And they were all chased out of office by ultra-fringey nutcases on their side of the aisle whom they foolishly thought they could handle.

Back in 2014, then-House Majority Leader Eric Cantor considered teabagger Dave Brat such a nuisance primary challenger that he barely bothered to drive back to his Virginia district to campaign. Surprise! After a tumultuous tenure, Speaker Paul Ryan quit in 2018 to "spend more time with his family." And now, of course, Kevin McCarthy is history because Everything Trump Touches Dies.

In addition to their many, many missteps, all these guys — plus John Boehner, one of the lamest House Speakers ever — should obviously have cracked the whip with the crazies and gotten them in line. But they didn't do it because they are weak, ineffectual men. And now, who knows what tomorrow will bring? At least Democrats have a great leader-in-waiting in Hakeem Jeffries. We cats applaud Hakeem for his masterful performance today, and we HISS at the hapless GOP.

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