Thursday, October 26, 2023

Golden Is Not Silent

By Sniffles

We cats have always been fine with the idea that the Democratic Party can accommodate lots of different people. In the House, for instance, you have Bernie Bro-ettes like AOC and Ilhan Omar, and you have Blue Dogs like Mary Peltolas. They come from different states and represent different constituencies. We don't always agree, but the ultimate goal is always, always, to put Democrats in the majority so good things can get done for the American people.

And today, one of the Blue Dogs, Jared Golden of Maine, held a press conference and, in the wake of the mass shootings in Lewiston, changed his position on banning assault weapons.

Good for him. We thought he was wrong before, but unlike some lefties on Twitter, we're not going to pound him now. On the contrary — all of us should welcome him to the fight. We need all the help we can get.

But Republican Senator Susan Collins? We could definitely punch her in the face. We cats HISS and PURR at the same time.

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