Sunday, December 31, 2023

New Year's Resolution: Don't Let The Republicans Get Away With Their Crap

By Sniffles

As we get ready to knock another year off the kitchen counter, let's resolve to always call out Republicans when they start vomiting up nonsense. Which is what they do all the time.

Yes, it will be exhausting. Yes, it's because they must project their own sins onto Democrats in order to fool voters in the 2024 election. No, it will not work — as long as we keep telling the world that they're liars, because we can't rely on the media to do it without our saying so in the first place. (Apparently, investigative journalism has died.)

The latest example from our neck of the woods is the brouhaha the GOP is trying to gin up over Chick-fil-A and New York highway rest stops. There's a fight going on to make the right-wing, antigay franchise, which has restaurants at several stops on the New York Thruway, open on Sundays, which the company famously does not do.

We don't give a full litter box about Chick-fil-A's supposed piety in allowing their employees to worship on Sundays. What about the many Thruway travelers who don't observe the Christian Sabbath? More to the point, why can't Chick-fil-A hire non-Christians to work their restaurants and serve hungry travelers that day?

So we cats have written our New York State Assemblywoman, Carrie Woerner, to tell her exactly that. We didn't mention that we've never eaten at a Chick-fil-A, and never will. Our larger point is this: Don't sign up to open food franchises on the Thruway if you can't abide by the rules — and those rules say, you must be open on Sundays.

Lindsey Graham has sashayed across the sets of Fox "News" to scream about Chick-fil-A and claim anti-Christian bias by the state of New York. Which is utter claptrap. Someday, we'd like to know what it is that the Russians have on Lindsey to turn him into such a Trumpy jackass. In the meantime, let's call him out. We cats HISS.

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