Tuesday, May 6, 2008

How Do You Say "Heckuva Job, Brownie" in Burmese?

By Baxter

Demonstrating a vivid underappreciation for irony, Laura Bush has criticized the military rulers of Myanmar for their "inept" response to Tropical Cyclone Nargis.

We'd HISS at Mrs. Bush, but we're laughing too hard.

1 comment:

BlametheGOPs said...

They're nothing, if not consistent in their egocentric view of the world. For these would be the same people who, after spending all 8 years of the Clinton Administration blocking every judicial nomination of anyone (particularly African Americans) to the slight left of Attila Hun, now spend all their time complaining that the Democrats in the Senate have held up the confirmation of a couple dozen judicially incompetent neo-nazis THE boosh has nominated to the federal courts. The hypocrisy and hubris know no bounds.