Friday, May 30, 2008

Sometimes, the Blind Man Has the Vision

By Baxter

Under the heading of Things You Might as Well Get Used to Because They're Eventually Gonna Happen, we're feeling very warm and fuzzy toward New York Governor David Paterson today.

The governor — who came to power thanks to his predecessor's insatiable desire for prostitutes (how strange are the ways of men) — recently directed New York's governmental agencies to revise their regulations to recognize same-sex marriages performed in other states.

We cats don't bother much with marriage. We mate with whomever we please (unless The Cat Network gets us first). But we're pleased that Governor Paterson has done this, and that he has been such a good friend of the gay and lesbian community. After all, as a minority himself, he understands what gays are up against. "I’ve wanted to be someone in the African-American community who recognizes the new civil rights struggle that is being undertaken by gay and lesbian and transgendered people," he told The New York Times.

And even though we believe that gay marriage will become a reality in the U.S. in our lifetimes — after all, we have nine of them — we understand and appreciate that change requires people to take enormous risks in the beginning.

We PURR in the direction of Governor Paterson. And, since he can't see us very well, we jump up on his lap and knead him, too.


Unknown said...

Excellent commentary Baxter, indeed let’s purr in the direction of the Governor from New York. My Mommies thank you for your support of the gay and lesbian community.

Peaches the Cat
Smyrna, GA
Formerly of Surfside, FL

The Cat's Meow said...

Dear Peaches,
Thanks for your comment! And let's hope that the Governor of Florida comes out of the closet and shows as much leadership as the Governor of New York has!