Friday, May 2, 2008

"It's the Fact that John McCain Doesn't Know Jack About the Economy, Stupid"

By Zamboni

As cats, we don't have to worry much about finances — mainly because we don't have thumbs. This means that we can't write checks or sign mortgage agreements. But we know humans who are struggling with economic issues — and it appears they'll be paramount come November.

A new CNN poll has 49 percent of respondents stating that the economy will determine how they will vote for President this fall. Why? Because energy costs and food prices are spiking — because people are having trouble paying their mortgages — because the cost of a college education is out of this world — because, because, because.

We'd just like to remind readers that John McCain recently said he didn't know a whole lot about economic stuff. "I know a lot less about economics than I do about military and foreign policy issues," he told The Wall Street Journal. "I still need to be educated." In subsequent interviews, he said that as President, he'd rely on his Secretary of the Treasury and his economic team to do good things and advise him well.

Puh-LEEZ. Is America going to vote for a Presidential candidate who doesn't have a clue how to get us out of this mess?

We HISS at John McCain. He's nothing more than a poseur. Cats just don't have the patience for anyone who's less than authentic.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well said.