Saturday, September 19, 2009

Huck's Heft

By Baxter

Mike Huckabee is getting fat again.

The right-wing former Governor of Arkansas is famous for the diet that helped him lose 120 pounds a few years ago — and the book he wrote about it. But we cats have noticed that Huckabee is looking like he's dived into a few too many bags of Whisker Lickin's lately. Here he is at this weekend's "Values Voters Summit." You be the judge.

This is fascinating to us on a lot of levels, but mostly because we've yet to hear any journalist or public figure comment on it.

Remember how mercilessly we all had to discuss Al Gore's weight? And just recently, how George W. Bush said of Hillary Clinton, "Wait 'til her fat keister is sitting at this desk"?

Well, we still harbor hope that someone will mention it. Maybe Mitt Romney — since he and the Ample Arkansan will be fighting tooth and nail in the "Values Voters" Presidential straw poll.

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