Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Note to Freepers: Feeling Assimilated?

By Baxter

Now that President Obama's address to America's schoolchildren has entered the history books, we cats just want to say that we're through with this silly story. It was a fake "controversy" stirred up by Neanderthal nutbags on the right wing, and abetted by cable news producers looking for conflict where it didn't exist and with advertising dollar signs in dancing in their eyes.

However, before we leave it forever, we just thought we'd beam into Free Republic and see what the reaction was. And it was — well, kind of let down.

A Freeper named "Kevin in California" posted the following query: "Does anyone have the Obama school speech in it's [sic] original form before it was modified? I can't find it and I know it exists." (Kevin, you needed to pay more attention in spelling class.)

The post elicited a paltry 15 responses, all along the lines of: "We’ll never see it. That’s my guess."

That's what they've come down to, folks — spinning wild conspiracy theories at their computers late into the night, while the Administration and the rest of us try to fix the country that the Republicans broke.

We cats HISS at the Freepers, for being stupid and annoying. But we also PURR at them for making utter fools of themselves at the same time. They are their own worst enemies, and we thank them for it.

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