How proud Lyndon Baines Johnson, who committed political hara-kiri on the altar of civil rights, would be — that Barack Obama, the first African-American President, has broken his record of Congressional success.
We cats can only guess that a fundamental belief in the value of government, all those Wednesday evening cocktail hours, and the President's tempered language — not to mention his confident urging of Congress to lead in an era of executive power — have paid off.
This is what matters in the end, folks. Competent governing — not the frothings of the teabaggers and the Limbaughs and the Becks and the FOX "News" Barbie dolls who can't explain why there are two Koreas.
We cats PURR in President Obama's direction. We would simply caution him not to follow in LBJ's other footsteps and refuse to end a pointless war. To that, we stay tuned.
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