Holy smoke! We cats can't remember such a bad week for Democrats since we first started this blog. Thank God it's almost Friday, because:
Ted Kennedy's Senate seat went to a naked guy who will vote against everything Teddy ever stood for. (One bright spot: We think Sarah Palin is real unhappy to have such unexpected competition in the New GOP Star Department.)
Nancy Pelosi says the Senate version of the health care bill is unacceptable to the House. (Why are we Democrats always shooting ourselves in the paws?)
The Supreme Court made a totally boneheaded decision today. (Consolation: Our guy gets to appoint the next Justice, and we won't need 60 Senators to confirm.)
Air America is shutting down. (But on the other hand, Al Franken's in the Senate, and Rachel Maddow and Ed Schultz are on MSNBC.)
All in all, though, the week's been pretty awful. At least we know things can only go up from here, right? State of the Union, anyone?
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