We cats had been wondering why Canadians weren't rioting in the streets after Prime Minister Stephen Harper suspended Parliament for two months so he could pack the Senate with his fellow Tories. Now, we find out they're not quite rioting, but they're mighty annoyed. Election, anyone?
Can we deport Pat Robertson? Just a thought.
Speaking of Haiti, and especially in light of the tremendous human suffering that's going on there, we cats just want to reiterate that we really, really, really, really don't care what happens with "The Tonight Show." Really.
Everyone's getting all excited about the Massachusetts Senate race. We are, too — but we find it hard to believe that a state that returned Ted Kennedy to office for nearly 50 years would turn around and hand his former seat to Scott Brown. We also find it hard to believe that the teabaggers haven't figured out yet that Brown supports Roe v. Wade. Stay tuned.
Finally, we cats PURR in the direction of Andrew Sullivan, who perfectly captured our feelings when he posted the following: "McCain shouldn't have been President. In fact, he should in my view resign from the Senate because his conduct of the last campaign revealed that he put narrow partisan interests ahead of core patriotic ones. He was prepared to allow someone to replace him as President who, his own staff believed, could be 'mentally unstable.'"
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