We cats have been intrigued by the Steve Schmidt interview on "60 Minutes" this past Sunday, and by coverage of it since then. Schmidt and the famous quitter from Alaska certainly seem hell-bent on continuing their protracted (and delicious) cat fight.
We'd like to add fuel to the fire with an observation or two.
First, we'd sure like to know the identities of the clueless "Washington operatives" who are so mystified that Schmidt and Palin would "belabor internal disputes that in an earlier era of politics would have stayed behind closed doors." For one thing, there was no Facebook or Twitter in those "earlier eras."
But more important: What does Schmidt have to lose by picking this scab? There's obviously animosity between him and the quitter, whether it's out in the open or papered over. And if, over the next year or so, Palin emerges as the leader of the Republican Party, Schmidt wouldn't gain anything even if he kept his mouth shut. Her devoted storm troopers would make sure that no GOP candidates did business with him, ever.
However, if the party tears itself apart and Palin is NOT the savior — but is seen instead as the problem and not the solution — then Schmidt would get huge points for pointing out early that the empress, indeed, had no clothes.
Ya know, we kinda think that Steve Schmidt is smart enough to explain why there are two Koreas. So in this particular cat fight, we're betting on Baldy.
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