Sunday, June 6, 2010

A Day in the (Oh, John Boehner, Get a) Life

By Sniffles

We cats well remember our irritation when Paul McCartney decided to lecture Americans that they needed to get behind George W. Bush and everything he stood for after September 11, 2001.

So we were startled — although not necessarily displeased — when Sir Paul, in Washington last week to receive the Gershwin Prize for Popular Song, took an amusing swipe at the same Mr. Bush. Should we conclude, we wondered, that the surviving half of Lennon & McCartney (and don't get us started on how much we miss John Lennon) didn't really mean his pro-Bush comment from nine years ago? Or is he just an insincere opportunist?

No matter. We don't really go through our days worrying about what knighted British citizens say — except when the House Minority Leader suddenly decides to take umbrage.

That's right — John Boehner is demanding an apology from McCartney.

Goodness gracious. Can this be true? For several years now, Mr. Boehner's fellow Republicans and teabaggers have called Barack Obama every name in the book, from socialist to Communist to fascist to racist to, most recently, "raghead." And we haven't heard a peep from Boehner about any of that. But Paul McCartney can't make a joke about Bush?

We cats HISS.


No Frills No Fluff said...

Been reading your site for a while and thoroughly enjoyed this entry!

The Cat's Meow said...

We cats thank you, Trina. Big purrs and scratchy kisses. We hope that someday the Republican Party will see the light and raise the level of its discourse. You may say we are dreamers, but we're not the only ones.