Saturday, January 29, 2011

Lest We Furr-get: The Egyptian the Bushies Hated

By Zamboni

Over the last couple of days, we cats have seen several reports of Mohamed ElBaradei returning to Cairo to take part in the anti-government demonstrations there, and getting water-cannoned for his trouble. After which he was placed under house arrest.

ElBaradei, somber TV anchors dutifully note, is a Nobel laureate and valiant opposition leader. But how many also point out that he's the same guy that George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Condoleezza Rice, John Bolton and Paul Wolfowitz used to trash to the skies? Heck, Bolton even tried to get ElBaradei sacked as head of the IAEA. (Sorry, you right-wing nutbags over at World Net Daily. It didn't work.)

Why? Only because ElBaradei told the truth about Iraq's alleged WMD — while the Bush Administration lied.

What will it take for journalists to put current events in context? We cats are stumped. Perhaps if Hans Blix joined ElBaradei for an afternoon of water cannoning, somebody would make the connection?

(PHOTO: Reuters)

1 comment:

The Cranky Copywriter said...

Are you sure this isn't Michael Steel? No, it can't be the head is normal sized.