Friday, January 21, 2011

Method To Their Madness

By Sniffles

Boy, you can really tell that the race for the 2012 Republican nomination has begun. Because so has the race-baiting. Every day, it seems, some GOP jackass is saying something stupid — and then walking it back when the rabid base isn't looking.

Failed Senator Rick Santorum has decided that black people should oppose a woman's right to choose. Never mind that black women occasionally find themselves pregnant and in need of safe, legal abortions.

Mississippi Governor and all-around cartoon character Haley Barbour has finally admitted that he doesn't remember a hell of a lot about Freedom Summer 1964. This is after he tried to claim that the White Citizens' Councils were an a-okay bunch o' folks. You know what we cats think? That Haley spent 1964 drinkin' and gettin' laid while civil rights workers were getting kidnapped and murdered.

The teabagger Governor of Maine said this week that the NAACP could "kiss my butt" when they complained that he was skipping out on Martin Luther King Day observations. Of course, he ended up changing his schedule, like the weenie he is. (Note to GOP candidates: This guy might not be a good VP choice. Not reliable.)

These are not gaffes — despite the fact that each utterer has had to spend tons of time explaining, clarifying, capitulating or defying. This is the Republican Party at its Atwater worst, appealing to racism and division. We cats have seen this before, and so have you.

Will the MSM, or anyone else, call them on it? We cats HISS.

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