Thursday, January 27, 2011

Tidbits and Cat Treats — "Who Doesn't Want to Wear the Ribbon?" Edition

By Baxter

We cats are snowbound today, like the rest of the Washington, D.C. area. But although our street looks like a Christmas card, all is not calm, all is not bright. Here are a few items that are grabbing our attention.

We don't necessarily go in for conspiracy theories, but we think this one is pretty compelling: That the Republicans allowed certified lunatic Michele Bachmann to proceed with her teabagger SOTU rebuttal in order to make would-be Medicare-killer Paul Ryan look moderate. Sounds plausible to us!

Speaking of Bachmann, POLITICO quotes an anonymous Republican aide (and can we please stop with the anonymous sources, folks?) who is vexed that the nutbag Congresswoman's SOTU response was given any coverage at all. "It's not responsible journalism," the faceless operative said, because, as POLITICO phrased it, "it made the Republicans look conflicted when they weren't."

"Not conflicted"? The party that says racist things every day and then has to walk them back for mainstream audiences isn't "conflicted"? Republicans who scream about government intrusion, yet who want to police Americans' bedrooms and Americans' wombs, aren't "conflicted"? Grand Old Party members who today decry the budget deficit but who didn't utter a peep when George W. Bush threw away trillions on an illegal war aren't "conflicted"? CPAC attendees who don't want gays at their meetings aren't "conflicted"?


Finally, it's been brought to our attention that on Tuesday night, Michele Bachmann did not wear the black-and-white ribbon given members of Congress in honor of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and the Tucson wounded and dead. We cats wonder why. But since no explanation has been offered, we can only wish that Cedric and Bob from "Seinfeld" visit Bachmann very soon.

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