Wednesday, January 19, 2011


By Baxter

Once again the right-wing Republicans who profess to love the U.S. Constitution demonstrate that they don't understand it.

This time, it's Alabama Governor Robert Bentley's turn. This jackass has decided to announce that he doesn't consider non-Christians his "brothers and sisters."

Personally, we cats couldn't care less whom Bentley considers a family member and whom he does not. (Although Bill Maher had a good time last year implying that Alabamans are slightly backward when it comes to conducting, um, "intimate" family relations.) The vastly more important question is whether this Robert Bentley person can effectively represent all the people of Alabama if he seems to believe that those who hold differing religious views are somehow lesser than he is.

"[Bentley] is dancing dangerously close to a violation of the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, which forbids government from promoting the establishment of any religion," said the regional director of the Anti-Defamation League.

Want to hear the scary part? Bentley beat a couple of candidates in last year's Republican primary who may have been nuttier than he is. Get a load of this maniac, Tim James, who — as you'll see from the above video — thought it was outrageous that, despite public safety concerns, driver license tests were conducted in languages other than English.

As if they speak English in Alabama. In the words of Henry Higgins, "There even are places where English completely disappears / In America, they haven't used it for years."

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