Sunday, August 28, 2011

Cat Fight! Dick Cheney vs. Colin Powell

By Miss Kubelik

Now that we cats have survived Hurricane Irene without a loss of power, we're amused to see that former Secretary of State Colin Powell and The Worst Person Who's Ever Lived (If Indeed He Were a Person) are engaged in a power struggle of their own.

Dick Cheney is always wrong, so his stupid memoir is not exactly "rocking" Washington. But Powell is wet-cat mad that the warmongering ex-Veep is taking, in Powell's words, "cheap shots."

To which we say, hmmmm. Cheney avers that Powell was criticizing the Administration's foreign policy decisions to others? Really? The only thing we remember is that embarrassing performance Powell gave to the U.N. on Iraq. Would he had been so critical then.

But, never mind. An intraparty Republican spat is always amusing. There's just one thing that's still kind of bugging us.

POLITICO's coverage of this Bushie dust-up says that Powell "famously broke with the GOP" to support President Obama in 2008. But it is silent on Powell's choice back in 2004.

We cats are, as you probably know, curious. If Powell felt, as the piece alleges, that by '04 the Administration was "dysfunctional" — did he vote to return them to office?

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