Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Leaving Diana In The Dust

By Sniffles

The famous quitter from Alaska is back in the news again. Or, we should say, the famous quitter has made sure that she's back in the news again.

We cats won't bore you with the details, but there's quite a kerfuffle over whether or not Sarah Palin will show at a teabagger event in Iowa this weekend. As usual, she's jerking people around — especially the press, which (also as usual) is dutifully allowing itself to be whipsawed.

We cats are wondering: Why is this a story?

It's occurred to us that if no one in the media paid any attention to Sarah Palin, we wouldn't have this nonsense intruding on our consciousness (and we'd all be happier for it).

On this, Diana's death day, we can't help re-remarking that in terms of media manipulation, the famous quitter from Alaska has far outpaced the late Princess of Wales. But they are still sisters at heart. Like Diana, the quitter is able to manufacture outsize coverage of herself thanks to: 1) her good looks, and 2) her undeserved elevation to a position of importance by an institution she has since scorned.

If and when the famous quitter finally announces that she's out of the 2012 race, someone — an intern at POLITICO, perhaps? — should go back and catalog all the breathless MSM coverage of her every feint, utterance and inarticulately expressed thought. We assure you, it will be quite a list.

(PHOTO: Unlike Diana, at least the famous quitter is smart enough to buckle her safety belt.)

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