Monday, August 22, 2011

Who's the Elitist Here?

By Zamboni

We cats recall John McCain getting into a bit of trouble in 2008 because he couldn't remember exactly how many homes he owned.

Now, hot on the heels of the McCain debacle comes Mitt Romney, who seems comfortable enough in his alleged "front-runner" status to expand his La Jolla, California mansion by about 8,000 square feet.

See, here's the difference between Republicans and Democrats.

We Democrats were angrily e-mailing the White House a couple of weeks ago, urging the President to relocate his summer vacation from Martha's Vineyard — or forgo taking a vacation at all. Because we understand how 10 days at a wealthy playground can look to average Americans, especially those who are out of work.

We still believe that. But in our humble opinion, the Romney story completely cancels out the Vineyard vacay.

The President is relaxing for a few days and keeping tabs on world events. Mitt Romney is simply the nation's most conspicuous consumer.

Take your pick, America.

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