Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Shooting Ourselves In The Paw

By Zamboni

We cats have received an e-mail rant from a political activist associated with this lame-looking website. Her mission in life: Elect more women to public office, whether Democratic or Republican. Her latest complaints: 1) She received a direct mail piece from the DNC, even though she hasn't been a registered Democrat for the last five years, and 2) President Obama hasn't done enough for women.

To which we cats reply, quelle naivete! Let us answer her grievances, and add a few observations of our own.

First, in the world of direct mail, organizations obviously keep mailing to anybody who's shown previous support. In other words, duh. That's why we cats keep getting friendly missives from the Human Rights Campaign, although we haven't been members for awhile. (And by the way, since we're sure that some time ago we unsubscribed from the very e-mail blast we received today, the sender is guilty of the same transgression she's accusing the Democrats of. How ironic!)

Second, as long as there are Michele Bachmanns and Sarah Palins and Nikki Haleys and Christine O'Donnells and Sharron Angles and Carly Fiorinas and Meg Whitmans in the world, we not only will not punish the Democratic Party, we will never, ever subscribe to the notion that more Republican women in office is a good thing.

Third, as for her ragging on President Obama: What's the alternative? We cats are always distressed when our fellow liberals A) forget how bad life was under George W. Bush, and B) carp and moan without appreciation for the state this country would be if today's Republican Party were in charge.

But ours isn't just a "worst-case scenario" argument. From its earliest weeks, this Administration has done good things for women. President Obama signed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, appointed two outstanding women to the Supreme Court, and lifted funding restrictions on abortion (in his first few days in office), just to name a few. But, gosh! — surely President Romney or President Perry or President Bachmann or President Palin would do the same — right?

Um, not.

Finally, the e-mail in question completely lost us when it used the word "Democrat" as an adjective. Why the sender thinks it's okay to employ sinister Republican pejoratives is beyond us.

We cats HISS at liberal losers, and urge them to get lives. Nine lives, in fact. We'll need all of them, in our fight to keep the crazy teabaggers from taking over the country.

UPDATE: Here's another example of how Barack Obama has "let women down" (not): His new health reform law requires insurance companies to cover birth control with no co-pays. Quelle horreur!

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