Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Woe Is Willard: The Day After

By Baxter

We cats are still recovering from our 19-hour marathon at the polls yesterday. So while we have plenty of things to say about Election 2012, we'll just make two quick points for now:

1. After personally witnessing nearly 2,000 Virginians wait for two hours and more to vote, we cats think the most important thing that President Obama said in his wonderful acceptance speech was: "We have to fix that." Yes, Mr. President, we couldn't agree more. It's time that the United States ran its elections better than a developing nation does.

2. Thanks to the Republicans' transformation into the party of intolerance, demographics won the day. We cats are so, so tired of the GOP's narrow, pinched hatred — and are proud to stand with the diverse, dynamic Americans who yesterday voted to make even better the nation we love.

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