Thursday, November 15, 2012

Woe Is Willard: Gifts We Didn't Get Edition

By Zamboni

We cats had absolutely no intention of writing about Willard Mitt Romney again, because — well, for obvious reasons. But in the category of "Just When You Think They Can't Get Any More Repulsive, They Do," Willard's latest whine to his donors about President Obama promising "gifts" to his key constituencies just begs for a retort.

First, Romney's "gifts" rant is proof that the Willard we saw in the 47 percent video is the real Willard. This is a rich and privileged guy who deeply resents his fellow Americans. You just can't get people to elect you President with an attitude like that.

But we must also put on the record that there are a few "gifts" we wish Willard had given us during the campaign. Such as:
  • Treating President Obama with more respect.
  • Telling the truth.
  • Providing the details of his economic plan instead of asking voters to just trust him.
  • Publicly reprimanding his creepy son for threatening to punch the President in the face.
  • Refusing to tolerate his party's racism, misogyny, homophobia and xenophobia.
 But most of all, we wish that Willard had given us the greatest gift: his tax returns.

1 comment:

The Cranky Copywriter said...

Do not overlook the greatest gift that Romney could have given to the American people: proof positive that he is a soulless creep and that the American public need never question their wise choice in this bullet-dodging election.