Tuesday, October 22, 2013

But Will He Die With His Boots On?

By Zamboni

Who crosses your mind when you hear the words "last stand"? George Armstrong Custer?

Well, The Daily Beast has just assigned that scary noun to Ken "I Never Met a Fetus I Didn't Like More Than a Woman" Cuccinelli. Seems that, in their eyes, the Cootch is hurtling toward a defeat in Virginia's gubernatorial race — and Republicans are scratching their heads about how he got there after so much optimism for his prospects this spring.

Mind you, we cats are the first to say that it ain't over till it's over. The Terry McAuliffe campaign and the Virginia Democratic Party still have to get our vote out, so we count no chickens before they're hatched. But should Cootchy go down in flames as currently predicted, we're sure that the 2013 race will not even remotely resemble a "last stand."

Au contraire: Should he lose November 5, Cootchy's career path will rest on going to Hatemonger Think Tank World, publishing a couple of inflammatory papers (as in, the recent Heritage study on immigration reform and its alleged economic impacts) — and, then, pulling a John Ashcroft and showing up in the Cruz-Palin Administration as Attorney General or, at the least, Solicitor General.

And, given his relative youth, a future Supreme Court nominee.

Remember, we cats are not saying any of this Cruz-Palin nonsense will happen. And if we have anything to do with it, it won't. But these are the Cootch's post-election plans. Bet on it.

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