Monday, October 14, 2013

Virginia GOP: Feeling Grave, But No Gravity

By Zamboni

The Virginia Republican Party is so unmoored these days that three weeks before the gubernatorial election, they're wailing to The Washington Post and sniping at one another in print.

"We have nominated a ticket that Virginians don't want to buy," laments former Representative Tom Davis (R-VA). "It’s uncommon but not unheard of for what I consider to be poseurs to attack a campaign before it’s over," Ken Cuccinelli's campaign spokesman Chris LaCivita shot back.

"Poseurs"? Really? We cats never imagined that a six-term Republican Congressman would rank as a "poseur." But, anyway.

What's happening in Virginia is the same classic disconnect that's afflicted the national GOP: The libertarians and tea party crazies control the grass roots — while the establishment-slash-money people think they can bend said crazies to their will. That illusion was crushed in the Old Dominion when the moneybags couldn't keep the teabags from holding a party nominating convention instead of a primary.

So many of Cootchy's present problems trace back to that confab of freaks, zealots and haters that it's hard to know where to start. (But think "E.W. Jackson," and you get the idea.) Meanwhile, we ask again, where is Rancid Pieface in all of this? He's just across the Potomac River from a state that everyone says is going to be crucial in 2014 and 2016 — but he is silent and invisible. Perhaps this is to blame.

Ah, well, not our problem. We just urge Team McAuliffe to keep their feet firmly planted on the ground, and Get That Vote Out. Which will make us cats PURR.

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