Saturday, October 12, 2013

Where Have You Gone, Rancid Pieface?

By Miss Kubelik

The nation turns its lonely eyes to you.

Okay, we cats are not comparing the chairman of the Republican National Committee to Joltin' Joe DiMaggio. But we're wondering where ol' Rancid has been during this whole GOP-manufactured government shutdown thing. The man otherwise known as "Reince Preibus" has been mighty quiet.

Aside from a lonely tweet in support of Ted Cruz's faux filibuster on September 24, we're having trouble finding a lot of shutdown hits on Google about Mr. Pieface. Sure, he went on MSNBC to pick a fight with Thomas Roberts, but we see nothing after October 3-4 — more than a week ago.

So, do we need any more proof that there's a civil war in the Republican Party? Because if there's no civil war, the party chair would be on every talking-head show possible, denying it to the skies. Instead, Rancid is silent, because he can't take sides between the teabags and the establishment/money people.

Poor Mr. Pieface. We cats are sure that the big GOP donors called him after his Cruz tweet and read him the riot act. We also think this might be true. Which makes us cats PURR.

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