Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Dear Great Pumpkin: Please Bring Us A New Government

By Sniffles

Is this Canada's next Prime Minister? We cats hate to even ask the question, because when it comes to other countries' elections, we're still feeling mighty burned from Israel's in March. Brrr!

But up in Canada, the Liberal Party has led Stephen Harper's Tories in eight of the last 10 polls — which leads us to believe that maybe, just maybe, Justin Trudeau is peaking at precisely the right time.

Or perhaps it's just that Canadians, sick of Harper and the Republicanesque behavior of the Conservatives, have decided that voting Liberal rather than NDP is the best way to get rid of them. Hey — either way, we'll take it.

There's no doubt that Harper — with his partisanship, his secrecy, his economic mismanagement, his slavish devotion to the oil industry and the gun lobby, his demagoguery of Canadians' ethnic differences, and his Bushian scaremongering about terrorism — has been incredibly bad for the True North. So those are reasons enough to send him packing.

But there's also this: The only time the world knew who was Prime Minister of Canada was when someone named Trudeau held the job. Let's do it again. We cats PURR.

(IMAGE: Justin Trudeau and his son Hadrian, whom he usually likes to toss up in the air. Here they are, unusually, terra-firma-bound.)

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