Thursday, October 29, 2015

Jeb!'s Campaign Is Looking Awfully Schiavo-esque

By Zamboni

What does Jeb! Bush's campaign have in common with Terri Schiavo? We cats have decided, a lot.

For those of you faithful readers who are not from Florida or who were not watching the news in March 2005, the Terri Schiavo case was probably Jeb!'s biggest bid to supplant his brother as The Worst Person Who's Ever Lived.

Ridiculous performances were turned in by various members of Congress, as well as the aforementioned Worst Person. But it was truly Jeb! who, as Florida Governor, decided to interfere with a family's private medical decisions — mostly at the behest of Michael Schiavo's rabid in-laws and a bunch of bat-guano-crazy Catholic priests.

What a difference 10 years makes. Today, Terri Schiavo is at rest, Michael Schiavo has started a new life (but is still warning about Republican overreach), and Jeb! Bush's Presidential campaign is — appropriately — on life support. Ha, ha! In fact, we've seen headlines that Jeb! has been forced to deny that his campaign is "terminal."

So what other bad puns and references are in order here? We cats can think of a few:

Should Jeb! just come to his senses and pull the plug?

Should he send the FDLE in to rescue the patient?

Can we get a special act of Congress to extend the campaign beyond its natural life?

Can Bill Frist do a remote video diagnosis?

Is the campaign brain-dead?

Answer: Yes, and for a long time. Except for members of the Bush family, who claim it is a living, breathing, eating, walking and talking thing that just needs time to recover. We cats HISS.

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