Tuesday, October 27, 2015

It's Nice To Have The Other Side Called "Baby Killer" For A Change

By Sniffles

It's been a week since Justin Trudeau's Liberals wiped out Stephen Harper and the Conservatives up in Canada, and the whining continues.

The latest whinger is Chris Alexander, Stephen Harper's pasty-faced blond Minister of Immigration who is just the type you'd expect to see on a Nazi recruiting poster from the 1930s. His electoral district was high on the list of races to watch as the countdown to October 19 began. And, swamped early by the Liberal wave, he lost it, big.

So now Alexander is cleaning out his offices and moaning to the media about how incredibly unfair it is that he was ridden out of Ottawa on a rail because of one photo of a dead Syrian kid on a beach. Just because he and his party didn't move quickly enough to get refugees to Canada, it isn't right that they've lost their jobs, says he.

Gosh! If we cats didn't know better, we'd think we were listening to a Bush, or a Romney — the Republicanesque sense of entitlement is so high. "That was not pleasant," Alexander wailed. "It's wrong."

Well, we cats think that drowning off the coast of Turkey was probably "not pleasant," either. It's amazing to us how these right wingers only worry about children before they're born, and never after. It all makes us HISS.

(IMAGE: Chris Alexander. Wow, is he creepy.)

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