Monday, October 19, 2015

Red Wave

By Zamboni

So let's get one thing straight: In Canada, red versus blue is reversed. The color of the Liberal Party is red, and the Conservative Party is blue. So when you see a lot of red on tonight's election map, it's a good thing.

And since the media and the punditocracy have now called a Liberal government — minority or majority — the most exciting comment we cats have seen on the CBC blog is this: "Netanyahu will be truly sorry to see Stephen Harper go."

This makes us cats very happy. Not just because Benjamin Netanyahu is (next to Vladimir Putin) the world's biggest pain in the ass, but because Netanyahu, like Harper, is one of those disgusting politicians who is willing to take a page from the Lee Atwater Playbook and divide people in order to win.

From everything we've seen, with the exception of Quebec (and it's always "with the exception of Quebec"), Canadians have rejected the anti-Muslim crap that Harperman dished out in the final weeks of the campaign to drive haters to the polls. Which means that Justin Trudeau will be moving back into 24 Sussex Drive — the home that he knew as a child and which happens to be the Prime Minister's official residence in Ottawa. Amazing, isn't it? We cats are thrilled, and we PURR.

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