Sunday, April 1, 2018

Hogging The Spotlight

By Sniffles

We cats admit to being out of the loop on celebrity stuff. Every day our local paper reports on famous people's birthdays, and it lists the people from oldest to youngest. The younger they get, the less we know them.

So it was only just the other day that we learned to our amazement that there's somebody named "Frank Stallone" in the world, and apparently he's famous — but only because he's the kid brother of Sylvester Stallone. Our introduction to him wasn't pleasant. It was through a tweet in which he went after Parkland student David Hogg in profane and threatening terms.

Well, somebody got to him (unless it was the mass condemnation of the Twitterverse, not to mention the entire Interwebs). Maybe a lawyer? Anyway, this morning "Frank Stallone" tweeted this: "To everyone and to David Hogg especially. I want to deeply apologize for my irresponsible words. I would never in a million years wish or promote violence to anyone anywhere on this planet. After what these kids went though I’m deeply ashamed. Please accept my apology. Frank."

Okay, "Frank," but things were so much nicer before we knew you existed.

Meanwhile, another "celebrity relative" hasn't been imbued by the spirit of Holy Week the way "Frank" has. "Michael Flynn, Jr." seems to be breaking under the knowledge that his daddy is probably going to jail. Why else would he project a whole lot of father-son angst in his anti-Hogg tweet? Or did he just feel like "Frank Stallone" was getting too much attention? We cats HISS.

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