Thursday, July 5, 2018

Lest We Furr-get: Whatever Happened To "Country First"?

By Zamboni

While you've been grilling your hot dogs, chilling your beer and setting off your fireworks, you may not have been aware that eight Republican members of Congress spent Independence Day in Russia, sucking up to Vladimir Putin.

We cats are beside ourselves about this. And if we, Democrats to our core, are repulsed, how must traditional Republicans feel?

How fast is Ronald Reagan spinning in his grave? And George H.W. Bush, who is still alive and at large — does he have anything to say? His fellow members of the GOP are cozying up to the former KGB guy who is actively undermining democracy around the world. Not to mention John McCain — we know he's battling brain cancer, but surely he can speak out against something that's tantamount to treason. Right?

Wow! Russia attacked the American election in 2016, and less than two years later, Republicans are genuflecting to the guy who masterminded it all. What was that about "palling around with terrorists"? Our furry heads are exploding, and we cats HISS.

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