Thursday, July 26, 2018

This Is What Happens When The NRA Doesn't Call The, Um, Shots

By Baxter

Here's a headline you'll never see in America: CITY COUNCIL SUPPORTS BANNING HANDGUNS.

That would be the Toronto City Council, which on Tuesday voted unambiguously — 41 to four! — to ask the Canadian federal government to ban gun sales in the city, and to ask the provincial government of Ontario to ban ammunition sales as well. After two high-profile gun rampages, Torontonians have had enough.

We cats love this. We also love the remarks by Toronto's mayor, the appropriately named Conservative Party member John Tory, who spoke to the council prior to the vote. "Why does anyone in this city need to have a gun at all?" he asked. Why, indeed.

Oh, sigh. What would it be like to live in a country with no Second Amendment, no Wayne LaPierre, and no Russian agents infiltrating the NRA and subverting elections and laundering money and thwarting the will of two out of three Americans? We can only imagine it's heaven. And while you're at it, Canadians, better pass some laws against 3D-printed guns, too. We cats HISS.

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