Monday, July 23, 2018

Lock Them Up.

By Miss Kubelik

We cats don't like to use the word "empowering" when it comes to Donald Drumpf inspiring his merry band of loser-white-guy haters, because Trumpsters are not "powerful." They are whiny little cowards who skulk around in the dark of night and vandalize.

So we'll just say that Trump is "enabling" or "licensing" his base to do crazy stuff.

Take the unidentified white idiot in an Albany, New York, Home Depot last week, who berated Maurice Rucker, a black employee, for being "from the ghetto" and worse. "If Trump wasn't President, you wouldn't even have a job," the guy yelled. (Home Depot's response? Fire Rucker. No, we're not kidding. Happily, they've tried to rehire him but Rucker has told them to take a hike.)

This happened in the same week that somebody shot through the window of the Albany County Democratic Committee. Nobody was in the office because it was the dead of night, thank goodness.

Now, early this morning in Virginia, a brick shattered a window in US Senator Mark Warner's office in Roanoke. Good news: Unlike the two Albany incidents, police have arrested a jackass named James Trainor, who was seen walking around carrying bricks. We hope the law comes down on him like the proverbial ton of.

Tweeps have debated whether these cretins represent the real America or just its fringe-y underbelly. We cats like to think the latter. Until these horrible days are over, though, we can only HISS.

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