Thursday, July 19, 2018

The Day The Earth Stands Still?

By Zamboni

We cats were around for Watergate, and we thought that was the worst Constitutional crisis we'd ever see in our nine lives. Obviously we were wrong (something that doesn't happen very often). But we're now seeing what's been hiding in plain sight, for years, maybe — the occupant of the Oval Office is a willing agent of the Russian Federation.

For all those Trumpsters out there who are perfectly fine with this — probably because they've been in love with Vladimir Putin ever since he started persecuting gays — we have a few questions.

Do you like your Internet? Your air conditioning? Your TV, computer, DVD/CD players, toasters, heaters, refrigerators and microwaves? Do you like being able to pump gas into your car and go places? Go to the hospital and have X-rays, ventilators and other machines find out what's wrong with you? In fact, do you enjoy anything powered by electricity? Because Vladimir Putin wants to shut you down.

He's already done it to Ukraine. You probably don't remember it because it was right before Christmas in 2015 and you were already deep into the eggnog. But take it from us, that was a trial run. Putin banked on the fact that nobody in the US would care about a country they couldn't find on the map if their lives depended on it.

Now, in the words of Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats, "the warning lights are blinking red... the digital infrastructure that serves this country is literally under attack." We're in the worst danger since just before 9/11, he says. (Just for the record, Coats is a Republican.) And believe us, when Putin takes the American power grid down, he won't benevolently turn it back on after 30 minutes like Klaatu did.

We don't know about you, but we cats are terrified. In the meantime, aside from working our butts off to get Congress back in the fall, all we can do is HISS.

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