Friday, March 29, 2019

Deep Bench

By Miss Kubelik

We cats have had a thought. Actually, we have lots of thoughts — but today we had one in particular:

That, as disastrous as Donald Trump is for America and the world, he and his hideous Administration of gangsters, criminals and grifters have been very good for the Democratic Party.

Is that a bad thing? Or is it that, by energizing the Democrats and decimating the GOP, Drumpf may have consigned the Republicans to the wilderness for years to come (first, while we fix everything they broke, and second, while we get some serious progressive policy enacted)?

And how do we know that he's been good for us? Well, let us count the ways.

1. Americans are so disgusted with both the behavior and the policies of Donald Drumpf that they are turning out to see our 2020 Democratic candidates in droves.

2. Americans are so disgusted with and repelled by Drumpf that they're giving tons of money to our Democratic candidates.

3. Americans are so disgusted with and repelled by Drumpf that the vetting process for our Democratic candidates has been accelerated. Pete Buttigieg is Exhibit A on this. Of course, he's also brilliant and adorable, but still, he's 37 years old and mayor of South Bend, Indiana, and you get the idea.

4. Americans are so disgusted with Drumpf that all 2020 Democrats are getting a serious look-see by the press. Jay Inslee's climate change message is resonating. Cory Booker gets time to talk about how his faith affects his politics, and in language that people understand. Kamala Harris is seen as what she is: a force to be reckoned with. Beto gets to be Beto beyond 2018. And so on.

Not only that, but the folks who normally would be expected to cheerlead the Republican Party's revival — Jennifer Rubin, David Jolly, Nicolle Wallace, Bill Kristol — are walking away.

This is comforting to know in a week in which the press has bought hook, line and sinker the Attorney General's phony letter about the Mueller report. Before we get too depressed about how gullible and shallow the media are, we can hold fast to the depth of the Democratic bench, and how much people seem to be appreciating it. And we PURR.

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