Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Fred Is Dead

By Hubie and Bertie

Here's how you know all that "Jexodus" crap the Trumpsters are throwing around is just that — crap.

We just ran across the obituary of a man who has made the world better by leaving it: Fred Malek. GOP fundraiser, Marriott executive, Jew-hunter extraordinaire.

At the behest of Richard Nixon, an anti-Semite who was President 45 years ago, then-Republican Party deputy chair Fred Malek diligently worked to root out Jewish employees at the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

"See, the Jews are all through the government, and we have got to get in those areas," Nixon said to Bob Haldeman on one of his infamous White House tapes. "We’ve got to get a man in charge who is not Jewish to control the Jewish."

That man was Malek, who turned up a handful of folks at the BLS who were subsequently reassigned and/or demoted. You can see from his obit that it haunted him the rest of his life. Good. It should have.

So, with this storied history — of which this tale is only a tiny piece — why would Jewish Americans be stampeding to the Republican Party? The answer is: They're not.

On a similar note, we cats will deal with the new Barbara Bush revelations later. In the meantime, we HISS.

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