Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Photo Phun

By Miss Kubelik

News flash: "The Republican Party of Virginia says it will give $1,000 to anyone who turns up a photo of Attorney General Mark Herring in blackface." (Just $1,000? Surely with that massive tax giveaway that Trump gave them, they can afford more than that.)

Well, never mind. This just proves that the Virginia GOP saw the whole blackface story slipping away from them, and they had come up with a gimmick to revive it.

So, fine. We will see them and raise them.

We cats will give 10 cans of tuna to anyone who can produce a photo of:
  • Transvaginal Bob McDonald at the wheel of his scuzzball supplement scammer's Ferrari
  • Transvaginal Bob McDonald showing off his Rolex from same scuzzball scammer
  • Transvaginal's wife Maureen handing out the scuzzball's phony supplements at Governor's mansion events
  • Any Virginia Republican elected official at a Klan rally (only eight cans of tuna for Corey Stewart, because he's too obvious)
  • Any Virginia Republican elected official speaking to a white supremacist group (ditto on Stewart)
  • Donald Trump on the arm of a woman not his wife
Whoops! How did that last one get in there? Is it because we know that Virginia Republicans, like everyone in the GOP, are hypocritical defenders of Benedict Donald? We cats HISS.

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