Monday, March 25, 2019

Nobody's Read The Muller Report.

By Miss Kubelik

Maybe not even Bill Barr.

We cats decided we needed to let a day (or nearly a day) go by before we'd even dare to opine on the Barr-Mueller sh*tstorm that hit yesterday afternoon. As of now, things are still shaking out, from what we can tell. But we'll go ahead and chance a few observations.

The four-page letter that Barr released yesterday is not what Mueller said. It is what Barr said Mueller said, plus a head-scratching "no obstruction" conclusion that has no supporting documentation. If we've learned anything from years of watching events this complex unfold, it's that headlines (and story lines) will change.

The most important headline we've seen so far, ironically enough, is from POLITICO: "Pelosi wins breathing room on impeachment." This is correct, and it is good. Impeachment is a political process, not the same as a court of law. Democratically controlled impeachment hearings would change the political dynamic in ways we probably don't want — right now. First, they would cast Benedict Donald as a victim, an identity we already know he loves to embrace. And if by some miracle the Senate voted to convict, they would give us President Pence, which cannot, cannot, cannot happen.

Investigative hearings, however, are just fine.

Meanwhile, "no collusion" as a re-elect battle cry? You've got to be kidding. Even Trumps have to have higher standards than that.

All that said, the question of obstruction was not, repeat, not put to bed. And as we watch the tug-of-war over AG letters and full reports and everything else, we're smugly thinking one thing: That the Democratic Presidential candidates, by choosing not to focus on Mueller on the campaign trail, are looking very smart. Barack Obama-like, they know we're in this for the long game.

And of course Benedict Donald will behave badly about all this (and already has), which will not redound to his benefit.

Finally, a note that is both discouraging and encouraging at the same time. Observers we admire have long cautioned us against assuming that someone would swoop in and smite Trump for all his nefarious crimes. A lot of folks on social media were pinning that on the Special Counsel (despite the myriad investigations of Trump at many, many levels). Now, we sense that many are feeling deflated.

You know what yesterday really showed? That we're like the Andes survivors — finally realizing that there is no one coming to save us. There is only us. We have to save ourselves.

The future of our American democracy depends on 2020. We cats sit, switch our tails, and wait.

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