Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Amash, Awash In Admiration

By Miss Kubelik

We cats are not experts on each Republican in Congress. They're so bad collectively that to ponder them as individuals is torture in the extreme. Of course, every now and then, one of them sneaks through and grabs our attention: Shiny Trey Gowdy. Louis "Asparagus" Gohmert. Silly Matt Gaetz. Traitorous Devin Nunes.

But Justin Amash, the down-the-line Libertarian from Michigan, was a mere blip to us until the last few weeks, when he started tweeting brilliantly about Benedict Donald, the Mueller Report, why it's important to impeach, and the perfidy of his House Republican colleagues. So we looked him up.

The good news is that Justin Amash appears to have lost a ton of weight and gotten in shape. Good thing, because he'll have to fend off all the death threats he must be getting from Trump lovers. (See above: Thin Amash versus Fat Amash.)

The threats surely exploded tonight after Amash held a town hall in his home district and explained his impeach-y tweets some more. Strikingly, although there were some nutcases in MAGA hats who gave him heck, 90-plus percent of the crowd showered Amash with love.

We cats have always felt it would be better for the House Democrats to hold hearings on the Mueller report and the other nefarious activities of this nightmare Administration, and just not call them "impeachment" per se. But Trump's, Barr's and witnesses' refusal to cooperate on any front could be pushing us all toward the I-word. We're in a very delicate place right now, with the situation changing almost daily. As the Speaker of the House well knows.

Nevertheless, to have a Republican like Amash fuel the impeachment fire is extremely interesting, and based on the GOP's nuclear reaction to him, we wouldn't dream of discouraging it. It could be Amash's Joe Lieberman moment — except Amash is probably gutsier, more resolute (and a lot less whiny). We cats switch our tails, and wait.

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