Wednesday, May 22, 2019

The World Spins Forward, And Trump Can't Expand The Map

By Baxter

The first thing we cats thought about this afternoon's news was that the haters' heads would explode: Ilhan Omar, a Somali Muslim woman, presided over the House of Representatives today.

And then of course Benedict Donald had that meltdown in the Rose Garden, and as usual, our attention was torn in a dozen different directions. So allow us to focus on one development in the last 24 hours that has not been so great for the Trumpy ones.

Was it the judges' rulings against Trump on the subpoenas for his banking and other records that have been flying thick and fast? The New York state legislature voting to hand over his tax returns? His HUD secretary's pathetic performance on Capitol Hill? Those are all horrible for him, for sure — but we're wondering why, of all places, Trump chose to hold one of road-show hatefests in Pennsylvania this week.

Not long ago, Trump 2020 campaign manager Brad "Weird Beard" Pasquale was boasting about expanding the electoral map in 2020. Minnesota, New Mexico, Nevada, Colorado were supposedly all fair game. So why is Trump wasting time in a Republican Congressional district in the Keystone State?

We're making no predictions. Not this early. But a candidate who was confident about making inroads would beam into a state where inroads could be made — right? Kinda like, well... Elizabeth Warren, who went to deep-deep-red Mississippi a couple of months ago. We're just sayin'. We cats PURR.

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