Friday, May 17, 2019

Walking The Line

By Hubie and Bertie

This week was particularly horrible news-wise, and so some major centenarians have decided to check out. First, it was I.M. Pei, and now tonight it's Herman Wouk. We don't blame them. They've made their mark on a world that humans are trying their damndest to destroy. Why not leave?

Meanwhile, a 76-year-old is leading the Democratic pack for President in 2020, and from what we can tell, he's giving Benedict Donald the jitters. Ain't life strange?

Reading The New York Times's coverage of Joe Biden's campaign swing through New Hampshire, we were struck by one thought: the rope line. Joe has been packin' them in at his Granite State events, which means that not everyone gets to talk with him. But as a former Vice President, he won't always be able to meet voters one-on-one in small venues. He'll have to work his fair share of rope lines. Right?

And remember how the press just tortured Hillary Clinton over the rope line? Specifically, how her campaign allegedly corralled rally-goers and kept them away from her except under the most controlled conditions? That obsession still rankles us. Hillary Clinton is one of the biggest celebrities in the world. She's gonna have rope lines.

Joe Biden, who is a slightly lesser celebrity, will have them, too. But do you know who almost never does? Donald Trump. We cats can count on one paw the number of times Benedict Donald has worked the line. As in, almost never. We think we know why: He's a germaphobe. He doesn't like to touch people. He can't make small talk.

Why do the media set stringent standards for Democrats in retail politics, but give Republicans a pass? We cats will never understand this. And we HISS.

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